Climax Doll

Recently, Climax Doll released new photos with the stocky CLM-135 body style and ›Melissa‹ head.

The CLM-135 is a medium-sized TPE love doll with a fat body shape and big breasts.

Melissa (CLM no. 31), is a female head for TPE love dolls by Climax Doll.

The head is made of TPE.

Many attributes of this head may be customized individually; for example, you can choose the skin, the eye and the hair color.

Climax Doll - ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31)
700€ incl. shipping &
incl. VAT

The CLM-135 is a female TPE love doll by Climax Doll. The doll has a body height of about 135 cm and weights ca. 52.3 kg (manufacturer specs).

Body measurements: 108 × 59 × 127 cm (B×W×H) / 69 cm (under bust) / 36 cm (shoulder) / 65.5 cm (leg length) / 70 cm (thight) / 52 cm (arm).

Lots of attributes may be customized; for example, you can select diffent skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just like you are used from other TPE love dolls.

Climax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPE
Climax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - TPEClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - factoClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - factoClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - factoClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - factoClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - factoClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - factoClimax Doll CLM-135 with ›Melissa‹ head (CLM no. 31) in suntan skin tone - facto
2.025€ incl. shipping &
incl. VAT

Recently, Climax Doll released new photos with the busty CLM-155 body style and ›Amanda‹ head.

The CLM-155 is a very curvy body shape with big breasts and a serious butt.

The CLM-100 Plus aka Una Carha is a female TPE love doll by Climax Doll. The doll has with a body height of about 100 cm and weights ca. 23 kg (manufacturer specs).

Body measurements: 106 × 63.5 × 71 cm (B×W×H).

Lots of attributes may be customized; for example, you can select diffent skin tones, eye colors, and hair colors - just like you are used from other TPE love dolls.

Climax Doll CLM-100 Plus body style aka ›Una Carha‹ with M5 face in skin tone 'b
Climax Doll CLM-100 Plus body style aka ›Una Carha‹ with M5 face in skin tone deClimax Doll CLM-100 Plus body style aka ›Una Carha‹ with M5 face in skin tone deClimax Doll CLM-100 Plus body style aka ›Una Carha‹ with M5 face in skin tone deClimax Doll CLM-100 Plus body style aka ›Una Carha‹ with M5 face in skin tone deClimax Doll CLM-100 Plus body style aka ›Una Carha‹ with M5 face in skin tone 'bClimax Doll CLM-100 Plus body style aka ›Una Carha‹ with M5 face in skin tone 'bClimax Doll CLM-100 Plus body style aka ›Una Carha‹ with M5 face in skin tone 'sClimax Doll CLM-100 Plus body style aka ›Una Carha‹ with M5 face in skin tone 'sClimax Doll CLM-100 Plus body style aka ›Una Carha‹ with M5 face in skin tone 'sClimax Doll CLM-100 Plus body style aka ›Una Carha‹ with M5 face in 'white' skinClimax Doll CLM-100 Plus body style aka ›Una Carha‹ with M5 face in 'white' skinClimax Doll CLM-100 Plus body style aka ›Una Carha‹ with M5 face in 'white' skinClimax Doll CLM-100 Plus body style aka ›Una Carha‹ with M5 face in suntan skin Climax Doll CLM-100 Plus body style aka ›Una Carha‹ with M5 face in suntan skin Climax Doll CLM-100 Plus body style aka ›Una Carha‹ with M5 face in suntan skin
1.048€ incl. shipping &
incl. VAT

Climax Doll Factory Gifts

Climax Doll Factory Gifts - Examples, c. 2017.


Climax Doll - Handbooks

Handbooks and Usage instructions for Climax Doll.


Amanda (CLM no. 29), is a female head for TPE love dolls by Climax Doll.

The head is made of TPE.

Many attributes of this head may be customized individually; for example, you can choose the skin, the eye and the hair color.

Climax Doll - Amanda head (CLM no. 29)
700€ incl. shipping &
incl. VAT
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